Time to level up! We've released some amazing new features this season. Watch our on-demand videos here or read on for the highlights.
What’s new in Precursive PSX:
What’s new in Precursive OBX:
🔗 Multiple Task Dependencies
At Precursive, we know that capacity can be a challenge. We are striving to make resource allocation easier for our customers. That’s why we are launching the ability to assign more than one role to the same resource within a project with multiple role allocation.
Multiple Role Allocation will not only allow for the same resource to be allocated to more than one role in the same project but also help your team to:
Ensure the correct rates are applied to work completed
Plan work for each of the roles separately
Enable your team members to log time against a particular role on the project
Therefore, enable accurate customer billing, without having to manually calculate different rates and roles.
Below in the Precursive Plan, you can see that Amanda Pierce is allocated twice in two separate roles, Implementation Manager and Sales:
This multi-allocation then allows for Amanda to track her time separately against each role in My Precursive:
Working in a high-volume fast-paced environment, such as High-Velocity Services Delivery often means that each task in a project plan is dependent upon another one. Are you waiting for the kick-off call to complete before sending out implementation documentation or waiting for customer sign off before starting a set-up? Precursive recognizes how common these challenges are and so our Winter Release allows for each project task to have multiple dependencies attached to it.
Dependencies can be seen on the Precursive Plan view with the presence of solid lines.
Details about Precursive task dependencies can be found on the right-side pane. There, we can find a list of all predecessors and successors linked with selected Precursive tasks.
All these actions are fully supported with logic and the limitations of other dependencies. Therefore changing one task will affect others accordingly and update the project plan real-time.
In this release, we have migrated the set-up of holiday and leave projects to Time Codes. This will give greater flexibility to define if a holiday request requires approval and also deduction from available allowance or not.
Previously, the setting which defined which of the project phases should be used for leave was a checkbox on the phase “Holiday Allowance Code”. This has now been depreciated, with the setting now being based on time code assignment.
Once you upgrade to the newest version, your current holiday projects will automatically get a Leave Time Code. Creating a new time code will lead you to two new settings:
Leave - Required Approval - for leave that requires approval
Leave - Deduct From Holiday Allowance - leave that must deduct from an overall allowance.
The Precursive Setup page has now been moved to an easy to navigate interface on Precursive HQ within the UI.
You can now search, check and adjust your global, user/profile, and mobile settings from the HQ. If you are not sure what a particular setting does, just hover over the information icon to check what functionality lives behind the setting. This function will make designing and implementing custom settings within Precursive faster and more descriptive.
Below shows the Precursive settings area that now sits within Precursive HQ:
Multi-currency advancements
Within this release, you will now be able to assign rate cards with a different currency than assigned to your project. The invoice amount will then be calculated in the back to your org currency.
Utilization Improvements
Utilization records will now be calculated only for the weeks your resource has been employed. Therefore excluding weeks before and after start and end dates. These calculations can be run daily.